See you there!
89th Annual Minnesota Safety & Health Conference
May 2-3, 2023 • Mystic Lake Center
Near Minneapolis and St. Paul
The team can’t wait to meet you and learn about your safety priorities. To get info about TRUCE before the conference, please fill out the form to receive a brochure.
Kirby Rabalais
Enterprise, Solutions Executive
Why I love sharing TRUCE with others: Mobile device addiction is an epidemic, and I want to do my part to ensure our roads are safer and everyone gets home safely each night.
Favorite sports team: New Orleans Saints
Favorite car: Ashton Martin – don’t own one but one day
Brian Gallagher
Enterprise, Solutions Executive
Why I love sharing TRUCE with others: I love TRUCE because we save lives. Period!
Favorite sports team: Chicago Bears
Favorite car: Porsche 911 Turbo S
Please fill out the form to receive a brochure.