How Davis H. Elliot Reduced Their At-Fault Accidents by 47%

of at-fault accidents were reduced

of associated costs reduced in 1 year

of at-fault accidents were reduced

of associated costs reduced in 1 year

Distracted driving, particularly within the electrical contracting industry, has been an enormous issue facing companies. Time and again, creating new safety policies, guidelines, and procedures may help in the short term, but it is clear that changing employee behaviors is the key to creating lasting changes – and Davis H. Elliot is a testament to how TRUCE can help create a change in culture. Watch their story here.
Davis H. Elliot employees view themselves as lineworkers, groundmen, service technicians, and business people. However, when they get into a company vehicle, they need to be something entirely new – a professional driver.
In 2018, Shelby Ramsey and Brian Sarrett’s division at Elliot experienced 44 at-fault accidents which cost them $464,000. It was clear to them that a change needed to be made – and beginning in 2019, Davis H. Elliot implemented TRUCE. Within 8 months of deploying TRUCE, they saw their numbers decrease to 23 at fault accidents and $63,000 in costs in the region. Following this success, Elliot has now implemented TRUCE throughout the entire company.
One of the key turning points in Elliot’s safety performance was the decision to implement TRUCE not only on company issued devices, but personal devices as well. The Elliot team had strong reason to believe that personal phones were the culprit in nearly 75% of their vehicle accidents.
- Reducing accident rates and the associated costs from preventable causes.
- Addressing the distracted driving risks related to personal phones.
- Enforcing corporate mobile device policies in an automatic and reliable way.
- Reduced the number of at-fault accidents in year 1 by 47%.
- Reduced the associated costs of at-fault accidents by 86.4%.
- Increased employee focus and productivity.