Shake Off 2020 with TRUCE

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Mobile devices connect us with the world. But there are times your employees need to concentrate on the task at hand. TRUCE eliminates the flurry of notifications and buzzes and the temptation to use devices when work takes priority, so workers can focus on their jobs.

Where do you want to manage distractions?

Behind the Wheel
Around Heavy Equipment
In the Workplace

Leading experts know eliminating mobile device distraction is easier than you think. Here are their whats, whys, and hows.

Dr. David Strayer explains why cell phones and new in-vehicle technology have unintended consequences that adversely affect driver safety.

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Joe Fried has won his fair share of nuclear verdicts. Listen to him share insight into the plaintiff process – and the things you can do to reduce the risk of runaway verdicts.

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Kelly Nantel from the National Safety Council shares a best practices approach to successfully setting up a safe driving program that minimizes the risk of distracted driving.

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Companies who have prioritized safety and focus are reaping the benefits in return.


Davis H. Elliot