Here, Not There. Now, Not Then.
For workforces as varied as the environments they work in, TRUCE ensures their use of mobile devices is relevant for the time, place and your policies.
Device Management for the Deskless Worker
Mobility has transformed the way we work. But as our use of smartphones and tablets has evolved, our management of devices hasn’t. Until now. TRUCE automatically adapts as a worker changes environments, enabling the right apps and functions at the right time.

Safe, compliant use of mobile devices across every aspect of flight operations.

Like digital PPE for your workforce.

Improve uptimes without the potential for downside risks.

Manage mobile device use in the field and on the road.

Manufacturing, Warehousing and Logistics
A better way to manage mobility across the entire supply chain.

Leverage mobility while ensuring continuous adherence to rail safety.

Curb Digital Distraction
Protect employees on the road – or anywhere. TRUCE keeps distractions at bay until it’s safe. Companies that use TRUCE to stop distracted driving have seen at-fault accidents drop by as much as 47%.
Don’t Invest Big and Execute Small
Leverage the power of mobile technology even more. Some companies strictly limit mobile device use for safety or productivity reasons, but you don’t have to set rigid policies or trade performance for control. TRUCE helps you get the full value of your technology investment by allowing access and functions to adapt in real time according to the situation.
Achieve Balance Between Work and Personal Demands
In today’s world, personal and professional do mix. And nowhere is that more evident than with mobile technology. Sometimes the overlap has no impact on your business. But at other times, the impact can be significant. For those times that work needs to stay at work and home needs to stay at home, TRUCE creates the digital “wall” between the two demands, all on the same device, providing the balance you and your employees are looking for.
How TRUCE Works
See how TRUCE engineers in situational awareness and smarter mobility with easy onboarding, simple controls and all the tools your company needs to work smarter, safer, and better.