

What certain permissions must always be turned on for TRUCE to work properly?

Cellular Data  Cellular Data is a required setting that allows the TRUCE App to properly communicate with the TRUCE Management...

How much data will be used if I turn on the cellular data permission?

The average monthly TRUCE App data consumption for a typical daily user is between 40-70mb. The impact is very minimal...

I turned off Bluetooth and now it keeps telling me I need to turn it back on. How do I fix that?

Click on Settings in the dialog box, which will take you to the Bluetooth setting where you should be able...

Why am I receiving a message that TRUCE has been using my location information? Does this mean that TRUCE is tracking me?

For iOS 13 and later, periodically you will receive a notification that the TRUCE App (and other common apps that...

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